This is our submission for event named Hard-Wired conducted by Robotics Club - IITBHU.

There are specific positions for every number on the die and the goal of the game is to rotate the arm by 600 and close the gripper in the least number of turns. You can control the position of the robot arm with hand gestures. We use 3 gestures

Thumbs Up: Moves the arm to a specific position according to number on dice

Thumbs Down: Moves the arm to initial position

Fist : Closes the gripper

Controls of Game:
  1. Hand Gestures
  2. Roll a Die Score of the game is (1/number of times the dice rolled) Give a hand gesture after the dice is rolled.
Making of Game:

● Gesture Recognition: We removed background from the hand gesture image to get a segmented image and developed a CNN architecture which takes segmented image and classifies hand gestures.

● Dice Number Recognition: We Used blog detection of OpenCV library to detect the number of circles present on the top face of the die.





Gujulla Leel Srini Rohan

Sai Harsha

Ayush Ishan